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Our process -

From an idea to a fully functional website or application.

We take pride in the quality of our work, and the secret behind it is communication. At every turn, we are not just talking to the stakeholders - we are actively listening, adapting and fine-tuning. The goal is not just to ship a product that meets expectations, but rather, one that exceeds them.

Exploring your business needs and goals

Exploring your business needs and goals

We work closely with our clients to understand their business needs and potential issues they are trying to solve. We ask questions, we listen, and we plan.

Understanding the business aspect of the project is crucial. Knowing the target audience, the business logic and nitty-gritty details is what sets the foundationfor the rest of the project.

Once this step is done, we move on to starting the design process.

Included in this phase

  • 1-to-1 meetings
  • User research
  • Wireframe drafts
Building your next website or application

Building your next website or application

Once we have a solid understanding of the project, we move on to produce the final designs. These are effectively the blueprints of the project and include, not just the user journey, but also interactions and animations.

The next phase consists of discussing the architecture of the project and the technologies that will be used. In this way, we ensure that there is complete alignment between the stakeholders and the development team. Once that is set, deadlines are agreed upon and the project officially kicks off.

The rest of the process is a combination of building and testing. We take the designs and turn them into a fully functional product. We approach this in a component-based way, which allows us to be more efficient and maintainable. We also have a rigorous testing process to ensure that the product is of the highest quality.

Delivering the final product

Delivering the final product

Throughout the building process, we are in constant communication with you. In this manner, we secure a staging environment for you to see the progress and provide feedback. Of course, we are also happy to address any questions you might have.

We build our product brick by brick, or, as we like to say, component by component. As the process moves on, through testing and internal reviews, we get closer and closer to the final release.

By the end of this phase, is where the final delivery of the product happens. No matter how large it is, we test it thoroughly to ensure its reliability and maintainability.

Included in this phase

  • Testing. Well-tested and documented, the product is ready for delivery.
  • Infrastructure. What kind of project is it? What kind of infrastructure does it need? We take care of all the details.
  • Support. Did an unexpected issue or feature appear? We are here to help, at any time.
Our values -

We innovate while remaining reliable and performant.

We are not just developing projects - we are passionate about what we do. On this basis, we have established a set of values, that we believe set us apart.

  • Innovative

    We are keeping our eyes open for new technologies and methodologies that can help us deliver better products.
  • Reliable

    We are committed to delivering high-quality products that are reliable and maintainable.
  • Performant

    We are always looking for ways to optimize our products and make them as performant as possible.
  • Passionate

    Challenges are our bread and butter. Complex animations, custom interactions, or complex business logic - we are always ready to take them on.
  • Thorough

    We do not sweep things under the rug. We are thorough in our work and we take pride in it. Every line of code matters to us.
  • Transparent

    Honesty and communication is key. The goal is not just to build a project, but rather a professional relationship.

Our latest articles and insights about technology and web development

Our curated selection of articles covers a wide range of topics, all the way from design to development. Whether you are looking for the latest in front-end development or tips on generating a color palette for your next project, we have it all.

Effective JavaScript Logging Methods Beyond console.log

4 minutes

Effective JavaScript Logging Methods Beyond console.log

We have all been there - something does not work right in our JavaScript / TypeScript code and we resort to our old friend, console.log. While this might work, there are better alternatives out there, especially when it comes to viewing complex objec...

How Gestalt Theory Applies to Web Design

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How Gestalt Theory Applies to Web Design

As developers, we are quite accustomed to bringing wireframes to life, by taking a design and building the user interface, as close to the design as possible. But what if the tables were turned, and you found yourself on the drawing board, tasked wit...

Implementing useDeferredValue in React: A Step-by-Step Approach

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Implementing useDeferredValue in React: A Step-by-Step Approach

React and its vibrant ecosystem provide many tools to create impressive and functional UIs - that are responsive to users' actions. This reactivity (no pun intended) may come with a performance cost, depending on how we are handling the relationship ...

Do you have an existing project or an idea? Get in touch, so we can build it together!

Our office

  • Mytilene
    81100, Mytilene, Greece